
Hi! I'm Jessica, the girl behind 
Jessie Kay Graphics and Design!

I am a 20-something Graphic Design student. 
I love the color purple and anything that sparkles.
I can be very random but also very philosophical.

This is me.
I am smiley. I am a major nerd.
I am emotional.
But all I am is me.

At my day job, I  run the marketing department for a manufacturing company 
that I have been at for about a year and a half.
I love my job very much. 
But I needed a creative outlet.
A place to design things outside of what I do at work every day.

A place to teach people what I have learned by teaching myself outside of school.
Because my graphic design teachers were all freelancers. 
So they didn't know how to teach for a job like mine.

So I created this blog.

And here is a little about the people (and cats) you will see
around here from time to time.

I fell in love with this man almost four years ago. His name is Dakota, but sometimes I call him Dork. But most of the time I call him Koda, which my phone corrects to Kodas, which I think is actually a whole different name. It makes him sound greek, which he totally isn't.

He is handsome, smart, funny, plays guitar, and is a graphic designer like me.
And he has put up with me for almost four years, so he must be a saint.
I don't know what I would do without him.

And together, we have two little furballs we call Scooter and Loki:

Loki is crazy, and Scooter loves Dakota. But she also loves waking me up early. Probably so she can have my spot.

So have a seat, and get to know us a bit! And make sure to say hi so I can get to know you, too!

Here are some of my favorite posts to get you started:


  1. so cool :) I'm a cats lover too. I live with four cats and also share a lot about them on my blog :) I think it's awesome what you share on your blog Jessica. congrats.

  2. I would love to follow your blog but can't seem to find the Google Friend Connect anywhere! it's great if you have it because the updates show on our blogger account. think about it ;)


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