I wish I had this on my trip. (Oh! And I will get pictures up from my trip soon.. those planes are tiring, I am still recovering! Or I am just lazy. I'll let you decide.)
Follow me on instagram @jessiekay77
Or view my shots here on Instagrid, a great companion to Instagram, so non-smartphone people can still see shots.
Here is my life through Instagram the past few days:
1) My henna tattoo that I got in New York with my brother's girlfriend, Julia. We match except that hers was drawn from a template and mine was done by hand. I still like mine, even though it isn't perfect.
2) A crane at was at my office the other day. They made me move my truck so that they wouldn't hit it with the new machine we got or something. Whatever it was, I moved my truck quickly. I don't like a squished truck.
3)Margarita time! No further explanation needed.
4) My love. While he was sleeping. Great. Now I look like a stalker. Oh well, he's still cute.
5) Our calla lily that surprised us and grew in our backyard, without interference from us. It is beautiful. Dakota won't let me cut it off yet.
6) Green Tea Frappucino to start my morning. Beautiful.
Also, I wanted to talk to you guys about something. Well, as much talking as I can do through the blogosphere. I was wondering, am I too superficial on this blog? I have a feeling I could be going deeper than I am. Maybe I can post tutorials on Photoshop or something. I am not a great photographer, but I love Photoshop. Interested?
What else would you guys like to hear more of? This blog is still brand new, so I don't know where I am going with it just yet.
Let me know what you think.
Kthx. Bye.
Jessica of Jessie Kay Graphics and Design
[...] have already told you about my obsession with instagram. But now it is time to show you what I’ve been up to this past week or so. (More or less, [...]