Friday, August 31, 2012

Little Letters

Happy Friday, loves! 

I am so glad to have made it through this week. After my vacation day last week, much of this week was spent catching up. Just like in school, if you miss a day of work, it takes two days to make it up! 

Crazy how that works, huh?

 Dear Friday, every week you take longer and longer to get here. What's up with that? Dear Coffee, I know that I said I didn't like you. I said you were bitter. I take it all back. I didn't know what I was missing. Let's run away together, k?  Dear August, I can't believe you are over already. Seems like just yesterday I was celebrating my birthday, now it's almost Thanksgiving! Eeeeep. Dear Sleep, I know I have been neglecting you lately. I miss you. I will try and see you tonight! Dear Cubicle, I have enjoyed our time together. But now, it is time for me to move into an office. If they don't decide to make it the sales department first. Then I will have to wait.  Dear Readers, I would love to know what you think of my new blog! I am enjoying it very much so far. I just need to find more time to blog. How do you all find the time to maintain your blog? I'd love some tips!


1 comment:

  1. I think your blog is adorable! :) I'd give you tips but I think you've got it figured out more than I do! :P


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