Thursday, April 25, 2013

Stretched Ears and Handmade Plugs

There is something you might not know about me. I might have mentioned it here before, but I'm not sure so I'm going to assume most of you don't know. Except for Abigail. 
I have stretched ears. Gauged. Whatever you want to call them. And they are actually pretty big. (Size 00.. I would say about the size of a dime.) Especially most people can look at me and not even realize my ears are stretched.
(My last employer didn't know I had gauges until about a year after I started working there.) Seriously.
I don't know if I could do it again if I had a do-over. But now that I've had them for nearly five or six years and the pain I went through to get them (hurt worse than my tattoo.. no joke.) I don't want to get rid of them. 

The thing is, I want new plugs. I've had this set for most of the time I've  been at this size, and I love them. They don't fall out while I'm sleeping. And they look like regular earrings to most people. Except once I had an interview and the interviewer had gauges so she realized.. I would've had to take them out to work there, or wear fleshies. Kinda glad I didn't get the job after all.

 So I've been browsing Etsy today looking for some ideas.. What do you guys think?

Bullet ear plugs 357 Magnum Bullet Plug Earrings Bullet Shell u pick your gauge ... Two Tone Gold & Silver
Bullet Plugs
 I love these! Especially since my favorite gun to shoot is a .357 Magnum :)
Octopus Plugs, Aqua, Blue, Ivory, Gauged Ears Sizes 1/2 inch, 00g, 0G, 2G, 4G , 6G, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, Available for Pierced Ears
 Octopus Plugs
I think these would be seen as plugs right away, but they are adorable. (Did I really just say an octopus is adorable?! It is aqua, afterall.) 
Anchor Cameo Plugs for Gauged Ears, Size 1/2 Inch, 00 gauge, 0 gauge, 2 gauge, 4 gauge, Also For Pierced Ears

My brother is in the navy, so these make perfect sense.
00 gauge (10mm) Bright Yellow Rose Cabochon Plugs

I'm not really a yellow person, but I love these.
Zombie Cameo Plugs for Gauged Ears Sizes, 1/2 Inch, 00 gauge, 0 gauge, 2 gauge, 4 gauge, Also For Pierced Ears

And we all know I love zombies, yes? Zombie cameo? Count me in!

 So you can see my dilemma. Too many choices.  And I haven't gone through all 119 pages of my search results on Etsy. Do you know other handmade shops that make gauges! Let me know!

What do you think? 

Do you have pierced ears?

Do you think gauges are gross? (I've heard this many times.)


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Avenger Inspired Outfit: Thor

So, I know I am being totally random with the planning of these posts. My original thought was to do one a week, but I didn't want you to have to wait that long. Because I know these are the highlight of your day! Haha.

Today's Avenger Inspired Outfit is for Thor. Thor is the brother to my personal favorite non-Avenger super villian Loki.

Thor's outfit would be great for a night out but I would also wear this to work. Because I'm a graphic designer and people expect us to be eccentric. But if you change out the boots for some flats or nice black heels it turns very conservative. Until people notice the details of the jewelry. Which is how I like to roll. I mean, really, I wear a necklace with a fish on it. It makes people wonder.

The earrings I love because they remind me of Thor's helmet, which in doing research for this (ha, I love blogging, looking at pictures of Chris Hemsworth is research!) I found Thor doesn't wear his helmet in the movie, that I remember or can find Google images of.  Isn't that weird?


Thor by jessiekay77 featuring kaliko

Monday, April 22, 2013

Avenger Inspired Outfit: Hawkeye

Today's Avengers Inspired Outfit is inspired by Hawkeye, everyone's favorite marksman. Now, I haven't seen the Avengers movie (Blasphemy, I know!) so this Hawkeye's color scheme is based more on the comic book character, rather than the movie.

The comic book character is wayy purple. So he is kinda my second favorite Avenger. But did I mention my boyfriend is also an archer? That probably helps too.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Avenger Inspired Outfit: Loki

I'm not a fashion concious person. Most days I would rather wear pajamas than get dressed. But, then I discovered Polyvore. Actually, I discovered it a while ago, but I've been playing with it like all day.

That site is addicting.

So I decided to start something new! Outfits!
Inspired by the Avengers. At least, for a few posts they will be. Until I can find some other inspiration for outfits!

Okay, Okay.
Loki is not an Avenger. But I LOVE Loki. I even have a cat named after him. 
Not sure why, I just always liked him.
I think the internet feels the same, considering how much Loki stuff is out there, especially on Etsy.
And believe me, he lives up to his name.

But really, I think Loki is just misunderstood.

Today's outfit is prominently black and green, with a splash of gold. These outfits will be more inspired by the comic book characters, with maybe some of the movie thrown in.

My favorite part is the necklace. I would totally wear it. My Loki would be proud.


Uniqlo shirt / Stretch pants / Madden Girl black strap heels, $44 / Heart jewelry

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Work Out in Style

So, I've noticed that I get inspired to work out by looking at work out clothes. Now, mind you, I've never been one for fashion, but I love looking at work out clothes. Is that weird?

To inspire me to be better at this whole working out thing, I made my VERY FIRST polyvore thingy. Let me know how I did!

Work Out in Style

Work Out in Style by jessiekay77 featuring nike

I've never spent this much money on a sports bra.. but I've never owned one, either. And I'm starting to really think I need to invest in one. Apparently they make a big difference. And this one is purple! 

Okay, so it will probably be a while before I wear comfortable wearing this outside where people can see me. But when I'm at home, I could do this. Plus, again, they are purple. This is the basis of many of my decisions. If something comes in purple, it is instantly better. But I am thinking in California summer these will be useful since I won't want to keep my A/C on while I'm working out. 

I already have a shirt similar to this, but they are so comfortable. To be quite honest, usually I just throw my hoodie over my bra when I exercise. But when summer comes along, that might kill me. (For those of you not familiar with California summer, it starts getting hot here in like May, and doesn't stop until usually October. September if we're lucky. Peak hot days get up to 107 degrees F+!) so this might be a better option.

Let's be honest. I've never spent this much on shoes. But recently, when I bought my new pair of trainers, I spent more money than I'm used to. But I'm used to buying cheap shoes. But I realized that a good pair of shoes makes all the difference. It's not a bunch of hoopla like I originally thought. Plus, these are so cute! The reviews look great on them too. Anyone want to get them for me?!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Literary Junkies #6

I can't believe we are already on the 6th Link Up of Literary Junkies! Abigail and I love doing these link ups, because we are nerds. Are you a fellow Literary Junkie? Link up with us! We'd love to have you!

Pink Heels Pink Truck

Currently Reading?

Unfortunately, nothing at the moment. A stack of my TBR books went missing including The Paris Wife :( I have no idea and I don't want to go buy a whole bunch of new ones since I have a huge stack somewhere. Only I could be talented enough to lose a whole stack of books. :P

First of all, I think I saw Abigail's books. On her bookshelf. But that could be just me. I'm not really reading anything at the moment. I was going to read The Paris Wife after Abigail, and I still will, I just didn't get to it before the link up. 

Amazon or brick and mortar?

Amazon all the way :)

Depends. I love shopping on Amazon for books. I love finding free gems on the Kindle store. But I also love going to a used bookstore here in town and digging for books. And Abigail and I both enjoy looking at books at Good Will. 

Locally owned bookshop or big name chain store?

Locally owned however when Borders was still here I loved that place. I like going to the one where I live but they have a small selection. The best one I've found isn't exactly local to me. It's in Pismo and its huge and wonderful. There are even a few cats wandering around the store and the owner is an amazing woman. 

I love locally owned stores. I love the used bookstore here, as I mentioned. And my little town has a bookstore that is attached to a flower shop. Although I don't usually go in unless it is Christmas time and the stores stay open late. I do miss Borders though, but I must confess, I hardly ever bought anything there.

Bookmark or dog-ear?

Bookmark. I usually pass on my books so I like to keep them in good condition in case they want to pass it on too.

Bookmark. You think with me being a Graphic Designer, I would have my own fancy one. Nope, I usually just use a piece of paper. But that's also usually because I'm not about to dog ear Abigail's books. She might hurt me. Usually though I'm on my Kindle and it remembers for me ;)

Alphabetize by author or alphabetize by title or random?

I would love to alphabetize by author but right now my 5 bookcases are all random :p

My bookcase at home is split into Non-Fiction and Fiction, and then alphabetized by author. I got a little OCD when I cleaned my bookshelf.

Keep, throw away, or sell?

Keep or donate. I've never thrown away a book or sold any. Well maybe at a yard sale but If I enjoyed a book but its not one I will read over and over I will give it to someone I know. Everything else that I don't keep I donate. Generally ones that at one point I wouldn't part with are donated to make room for some new obsessions lol.

I've never thrown a book away! That's blasphemy. I am pretty much a book hoarder. Unless I lose them. Or someone borrows them and never gives them back. I keep thinking I should go trade in some books to get new ones, but they are like my children, how do you decide which to give away?

Keep dust jacket or toss it?

Keep it. I generally use it as my bookmark.

Same here. 

Read with dust jacket or remove it?

If I only have a short period of time to read I keep it on. If I have time for uninterrupted reading I take it off.

I typically leave it on. Except for when I read 11/22/63. Then I took it off, because it kept getting in my way, because that is a huge book.

Short story or novel?

Novel for sure. In short stories I don't feel like there is enough time to really get lost in the story.

Either. But I will admit I have read more novels than short stories. But I love J.D. Salinger's short stories, like A Perfect Day For Bananafish. Or Stephen King's short stories.

Collection or anthology?

If I had to choose probably collection. However, I have yet to actually finish a whole collection or anthology.

Not sure what the difference is, but I don't really care much for anthologies. I tend to favor some of the authors over the others, based on name recognition, and not get into the authors I don't know. Because I'm weird like that.

Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?

I always try and get to the end of the chapter but when it gets to the point where I am reading the same page over and over and still have no idea what it said, that's when I know to put it down lol. I've also fallen asleep in the middle of the page and wake up with my book laying next to me. :p

I always try to make it to the end of the chapter. But then I want to read the next chapter. And the next. And that's how  I finish books in days. I can't say I've ever fallen asleep reading, but I've come close.

"It was a dark and stormy night" or "Once upon a time"?

Both!!! I have never met a genre of book I didn't like.

Both! I like my genres of books like I like my music, random!

Buy or borrow? 

I love to borrow but I usually end up buying instead. I think I have a problem.

Usually borrow. From Abigail. Because she has a problem.

New or used?

Used definitely.

Used. I love finding books that have been loved. Although, I do love new book smell. Is that weird?

Buying choice: book reviews, recommendation or browse?

All 3. I see book reviews as recommendations. I love hearing what someone else thinks I would like to read and I love browsing. Oh, lets face it. I love books!

I will be the first to admit, I do judge books by its cover. If I like the cover art (I am a designer afterall)  I will look at the book a little more closely than I would if it was ugly. But I like reading book reviews too. And I can't get enough recommendations. Especially since I go into other genres. So if you ever find a book that you think I would like, let me know!

Tidy ending or cliffhanger?

Cliffhangers get me worked up more than a tidy ending but if it was done well I love both of them equally.

I like tidy endings, because I like knowing about what happened to my characters and their lives. But cliffhangers are conversation starters.

Morning, afternoon, or nighttime reading?


I am a morning person (usually) and I like to be up and doing stuff in the mornings. (Ask Dakota, he gets annoyed with my morning perkiness. He tries to hit my snooze button!) So I like to read at night in bed, or on weekends when I can shut the bedroom door and spend a few hours reading (or eight.)

Single volume or series?

You want me to choose? Ha! I love them both!

Both. I love series because you get to know the characters better, and plus it kind of just fufillls my addiction. I kinda wish some of my favorite books were series.

Favorite series?

I think it would have to be The Stephanie Plum Series by Janet Evanovich or The Alphabet Series by Sue Grafton.

Harry Potter. Or The Hunger Games. Or the The Saga of Darren Shan. I loved those books. And there was 12 books in the series! I just kept reading and reading and reading.

Favorite book of which nobody else has heard?

Hmmm...well I know some others have heard of it but not a ton. Dutiful Daughter by Shawn Graves. I've mentioned it in previous link-ups but seriously. Everyone needs to read this! It is sold on Amazon and Barnes and Noble online. Oh and the second one, Dedicated Doctor, is amazing too but that one is only sold for e-readers. Once you read the first one you won't be able to resist!

I second Abigail's answers. Mind blowing books. And I know the author. So that's pretty cool. But also Darren Shan books are great, there was a movie made about the first one, but I don't think it got too big. 


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Getting in Front of the Camera

I have made a decision to actively try and take more pictures of the people in my life. And the things we do. This decision is thanks to Abigail, who persuaded me to bring my big camera to the gun range yesterday. I'm so glad I did. I even let Abigail take some pictures of me. And I made sure to get a picture of my dad! He's at the bottom of this post. 

I decided that no matter how fat I feel, I will cherish these memories someday, and if I don't get pictures of myself, I may regret it. I will be making my camera a bigger part of my life. I want to start having these images all around my home! So I need more :)

Let's all give a round of applause to Abigail, who can focus my camera very well for a beginner. :)

Do you try and get in front of the camera sometimes too?

It's hard! 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Kindle Fire HD Giveaway!

There is no doubt that Isabelle Thornton of Le Chateau des Fleurs is talented.  This French-girl-gone-Utah has a wildly popular blog full of interesting DIY posts, photography, giveaways, and great reviews.  Aside from being an awesome blogger, she also creates fun apps for phones.  Previously her "Make Me Skinny" or Bon Bon app has kept many entertained as they edited and adjusted photos on their iPhones, and now I'm excited to announce she's released an entirely new app!  This one is different, and for Android!

Let's face it, sometimes you spend more time with your smart phone than you do with your spouse, friends, coworkers, and family... You sleep with it, eat with it, and admit it-you take it to the bathroom with you!  With Smartphone DNA you are creating a new kind of experience with your Smartphone.

What is Smartphone DNA?  
Smartphone DNA is an app dedicated to Twitter users, and it allows you to collect your Twitter DNA via your Android phone, and then compare it against other twitter users to see how much you match!  This is a great way to locate new Twitter friends that have things in common with you! 

How it works:
  1. Smartphone DNA shows you a list of apps you currently have installed.
  2. You select the apps you want to share as part of your DNA
  3. Smartphone DNA shows you how closely you match the DNA of other users.

Smartphone DNA is 100% secure and controlled by you.

Win a Kindle Fire HD
To celebrate the release of Smartphone DNA, Isabelle is offering one lucky newsletter subscriber  a brand new Kindle Fire HD!  Can you say wow?  This is the reader of all readers-with a 7" full color HD display, exclusive Dolby audio, and ultra-fast WiFi it's top of the line.  Don't miss out on this opportunity to have one for yourself!  Follow the break to enter the giveaway:

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Color Me Rad {Fresno} Recap

On Sunday, Abigail and I (along with her mom and sister) did Color Me Rad 5k. It was so much fun. I am still sore, but that is mostly my own fault.   I have been walking a lot, but I didn't think that the park I have been walking at is flat, and the 5k had hills.  This added a level of difficulty. I have to hand it to Abigail, though, she kept me going. Mostly because I didn't want her to leave me and never be able to find her again. But also because she bought my ticket and made me run down the hills! I love that girl.

The thing about these pictures is, next year I can use them as "before" pictures. It is just more motivation for me to step up my weight loss!
I had such a great time, but along the way there were so many things I knew I should share, some that we knew to do, and some we learned when we got there. So here they are, and if you have more, let me know!
1) Arrive early. Like, an hour or more before your wave. Imagine all the people headed to the same place, on top of normal traffic. Imagine the parking, and the cops blocking entrances. 
We waited in line for at least 30 minutes. People were getting bored so they were throwing their color bombs everywhere. 

2) Take a before picture. Because when you are all colorful, you will have forgotten what it was like to be clean. 

3) If you want pictures, bring a little ziplock with you for your phone. I saw other people doing this and I was amazed that I didn't think of it! Color Me Rad made it really easy, because the ziplock they gave you the sunglasses in was appropriately sized. 

My phone is still a little bit orange. And I kept having to wipe off the camera. But once you get all colorful, there is no place clean to wipe off the screen or the camera!
4) Keep your mouth closed during the color stations. 

At one of the liquid color stations, the guy sprayed me in the face. Does not taste good. Although, I will have to admit, that the liquid color wasn't as bad as the powder. The powder made my mouth feel funny. But I wouldn't recommend ingesting either one, haha.
5) Bring towels for your car for the ride back home.
Trust me, the color gets everywhere.
6) Take lots of after pictures! 
This was my favorite part. I didn't realize I was so colored until I took pictures! And even more so when I did comparisons!

7) Wear a costume! Make it fun!
The Color Me Rad swag people made some money off of us. The blue shirts were included with registration, and so were the sunglasses and bibs. Everything else we bought.
If I had planned better, I would have designed us a shirt. How sad is it that a graphic designer bought shirts she could have made herself? (I even designed a shirt for someone else doing the 5k!) Next year, when we sign up (and we WILL be doing it again) I will be spending some time on the design, and maybe we will make tutus! 
Thank you again Abigail for taking me. You're the best.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Four Years of Dakota

Happy Friday's Eve, loves!
I know I have been a bad blogger lately.
But things have been changing around these parts, and not all for the best.

I swear I'm fine. I've just taken some time off from stuff to try and heal myself.
Sometimes you just need a mental health day, err, week.

But I'm back, and hopefully with my new life, I can blog more.

But, I wanted to share someone close to my heart today.
March 26th (I know, so long ago now!) was mine and Dakota's FOURTH anniversary.

Am I the only one that thinks time has gone by soooo quickly?

Dakota is truly and honestly my better half. 
All the cheesy stuff. 
I won't go on and on, because I don't want to be sappy.
All I can say is, I am very lucky to have him in my life as my best friend and my boyfriend.

And now I will show you a few snippets of our life together. We don't have a lot of pictures together, but I know when I get skinnier we will for sure be getting more pictures.

 I love you, noob. Thank you for four amazing years. Here's to you and many more years together.

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